Cream of the Crop 1
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This file contains information concerning each of the new versions of
K9X. All changes up to and including version 7.00 are now included in the
various DOC files.
All newer than v7.00 changes/additions covered in this file replace any
information contained in K9X.DOC dealing with the same subject(s). Since
new features are added and old features are changing, this entire file
should be reviewed (along with the K9X.DOC file(s)) before attempting to
use K9X. Most of the problems encountered are due to users not reading the
documentation before "diving in". K9X is an intricate piece of software
with many features other comm programs only "dream of having"! Even if you
are fortunate enough to get it up and running, you will more than likely
miss out on alot of features that would make your modeming life alot
easier! Please take the time to read the documentation!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
K9X v4.01 - v4.37
K9X v4.40 Dated Feb01,1987
(including K9WX.COM v1.25) This version introduces another FIRST for the
DOG!!! The addition of an all new transfer protocol...
The Dog's OWN **FAST** K9Xmodem Protocol!
The file K9WY.COM has been added and contains the new protocol.
K9X v4.50 Dated Feb11,1987
K9X v4.52 Dated Feb15,1987
K9X v5.00 Dated Feb28,1987
K9X v5.01 Dated Mar12,1987
K9X v5.02 Dated Mar15,1987
K9X v5.10 Dated Mar21,1987
K9X v5.11 Dated Apr27,1987
K9X v6.00 Dated May15,1987
K9X v6.00 Dated May24,1987
K9X v6.10 Dated July 24, 1987 (Both ShareWare and Host Versions)
K9X v6.10A Dated August 13, 1987 (Both ShareWare and Host Versions)
K9XHOST v6.10B Dated August 27, 1987 (Host Version Only)
K9XHOST v6.10C Dated September 03, 1987 (Host Version Only)
K9X v6.10G Dated September 29, 1987 (Host Version Only)
K9XCNF v6.10H Dated September 29, 1987 (Host Version Only)
K9WX, K9WY, COLORWX and COLORWY v1.42 Dated September 29, 1987
K9X v7.00 Dated April 15, 1988 (Both ShareWare and Host Versions)
The total package - incuding documentaton - has been reworked
The K9X ShareWare version has been updated to mirror the new Registered
K9X v7.01 Dated May 05, 1988 (Registered Version)
Added the facility to send an Escape character (ASCII 27) while
operating in Expert mode. This function is now part of the normal
keyboard scanning operation of K9X and is activated via the
standard Escape Key.
K9X v7.02 Dated June 20, 1988 (Registered Version)
K9X now keeps tab of a number of session totals:
Total number of files downloaded from system called
Displayed during while downloading using an internal K9X protocol
This total is logged to CALL.LOG after disconnect from remote system
Total number of bytes for files downloaded from system called
Displayed during while downloading using an internal K9X protocol
This total is logged to CALL.LOG after disconnect from remote system
Accumulated total number of files downloaded during session
Displayed during while downloading using an internal K9X protocol
This total is logged to CALL.LOG after disconnect from remote system
Accumulated total number of bytes for files downloaded during session
Displayed during while downloading using an internal K9X protocol
This total is logged to CALL.LOG when K9X is exited back to DOS
Total Elapsed Online Session time (actually connected to a remote system)
Logged to CALL.LOG after disconnect from remote system
This total is logged to CALL.LOG when K9X is exited back to DOS
Total Elapsed Online Long Distance Session time
K9X counts the number of digits in the phone number it just dialed.
If the phone number contains more than 7 digits, K9X considers it
a long distance call and tabulates the online session time. This
total is logged to CALL.LOG when K9X is exited back to DOS
It should be noted that K9X simply checks the existance of the
downloaded file and its "saved" size. If the transfer was aborted,
the partial file will exist and K9X will use its partial size in
the totals.
The total bytes received/sent is now "rolled" during file transfers
using one of the internal K9X protocols. This was done to ease the
monotony while using Ymodem!
A minor bug in the download buffer tabulation has been corrected.
There were times when the tabulation would result in a minus
number. This had no effect on the actual file transfer, it is
simply a means of notifying you of the position of the buffer
pointer... anyway, it has been corrected!
K9X v8.00.1 - Production Version - dated 8/15/88
There are a few major changes in the version, mostly to accomodate
9600/19200 connects...
In order to speed up character processing, I have removed the
internal ANSI processing (except for music). You MUST include the
line DEVICE=ANSI.SYS in your CONFIG.SYS as K9X now passes all ANSI
escape sequences, except for any music, to the DOS ANSI.SYS driver.
Three new protocol types have been added... they are Zmodem Batch
Mode (for use with PCBoard ProDoors, Zmodem's Ymodem-G (for use
with PCBoard ProDoors) and Qmodem Ymodem-G (for use with RBBS
Ymodem-G). In the case of Zmodem's Ymodem-G, you will need to
register DSZ in order to activate this protocol within the DSZ
module... or use an older version (pre register-to-activate) of
Along with addition of the new protocols, I had to change the way
K9X handles the sending of the auto-down filenames (via cut and
paste Alt-Tab feature). Various PCBoard Batch Protocol Doors
require different command structures to set up multiple files
transfers. One variation requires the D command, then the
specification of a protocol and then finally the filename(s)
entered one at a time on separate lines... Another requires the D
command, then the protocol specification, and then finally the
filename(s) stacked on one command line and separated by a space or
semi-colon. To this end, I have modified K9X to only send the
filename to the Host system - without a carriage return. This
allows you to use either Batch method with the K9X cut and paste
feature. If you have been using the K9X auto-down feature this new
method will take a little getting used to but still saves alot of
agrevation! The sequence here is to manually enter the D command,
then select the protocol, then simply hit the down-arrow key to
have K9X feed the filenames to the host system. If you are using
the one filename per line DOOR, simple hit Enter after each
filename is sent... If you are using the stack on one line DOOR,
enter the space separator and then send the next filename to the
host. When you have setup the host for the transfers, simply hit
the down-arrow key (expert mode) and K9X will go directly into
Batch mode without prompting for any filenames.
Note that this modification is only in effect when the Batch
Zmodem, DSZ Ymodem-G protocols are used. The use of any of the
"one file at a time" protocols work the same as before.
Note also that K9X will not be able to log any file transfer
results to your session log. For this reason, you may want to set
the environment variable for DSZ by including the line SET
K9X v8.00.2 - Production Version - dated 9/10/88
K9X Host will no longer be supported or distributed. Since the
Host mode is no longer supported, there is no "pressing" need for
the K9X.COM front end menu... so that too, has been eliminated.
Lastly, the K9X Editor has been integrated back into the body of
K9X! Maximum number of lines for the editor has been reduced from
250 to 200.
These modifications are in prelude to the release my full BBS
program, MiniNet in several stages of operation. Those users who
have already registered the K9X Host module will have the
opportunity to Register any one of the various MiniNet stages at a
K9X changes:
Cleared up a couple of serious bugs in the dial / redial / manual
dial section.
Modified the color reset code to accurately reset the colors to
your default settings.
Added the color reset to the Clear Screen (Alt-C) routine.
Modified the session logging to include both transfer time and CPS
rate (when using K9X internal protocols).
Since neither the QMXFER or KERMIT module supports 19200bps, I've
modified these two routines to set the baud rate to 9600 for both
9600 and 19200. The entering modem paramaters are saved before the
reset and and the modem is restored to its entering stage after
access to these two modules.
I have not checked this out at 19200, but they should work!
K9X v8.00.3 - Production Version - dated 11/23/88
There are a few new features in this latest offering
The Alt_O command has been added. When toggled, K9X becomes a pure
"dumb terminal" allowing you to interface with door programs found
on many BBS. This allows you to send all of the Function keys,
cursor and other number pad keys, etc. If any extended code keys
are pressed while in the Open_Door mode, K9X will send both the
first Null and the extended key code. This is true for all extended
keys except for the Alt_O. This remains active as a K9X command so
that you can get back into the full K9X Command set mode. Although
you can set this toggle at any time, if you set it while online,
K9X will turn off the Open_Door mode when carrier is dropped. Note
that the Open_Door mode is only accessible when in Expert mode.
K9X now supports the CIS/B transfer protocol. The Alt_8 expert
command key will activate the external OZBEXT.EXE (renamed to
CIS.EXE) module in terminal mode. The parameters passed to CIS.EXE
will be displayed prior to its execution. If you want to change
these parameters, you may do so by renaming CIS.EXE to OZBEXT.EXE
and create a CIS.BAT file that will call the module with whatever
paramters you prefer (see the CIS.TXT file for additional
parameters). Since K9X will automatically pass the required
parameters (port, speed, etc.), the CIS.BAT file will simply have
to discard the -v -x parameters and substitute your preferred
K9X now supports the PC-Pursuit Dialer ICEX. The Alt_9 expert
command key (and its equivilent in the Command Gateway Menu System)
will activate the external ICEX.EXE module.
A new script command parameter has been added giving K9X the
capability of executing ICEX directly from a dialing directory
macro. The command paramter is <P> and it must appear in the "look
for" portion of the macro line.
Don't quote me as I've never used PCPursuit... but your PCP.K9X
macro will look something like...
@`C PURSUIT,<your id>,<your password>|
The initial CONNECT "look for" is the response from your modem upon
connecting with the PCP host. The "send" portion of this line
consists of a 1 second pause (~) followed by sending 2 carriage
returns (||). As is the case with all K9X macros, the ` character
represents the separator between the "look for" and "send" portions
of each macro line.
Please refer to the ICEX doc files for use of the ICEX program.
Note that any registration fees for the use of ICEX are not covered
as part of the registration fee of K9X. If you plan on using ICEX
on a regular basis, please support the author of that program and
register your copy.
K9X now supports all 12 of the SuperK protocols! The old K9WX and
K9WY.COM files are no longer supported or required.
The Jmodem Batch and SuperK protocols are handled in the same
manner as described in then Zmodem Batch section above.
Facility has been made to specify multiple filenames when sending
(uploading) files using any of the SuperK Batch Protocols or the
JBatch Jmodem Batch mode. Simply input your filenames with each
seperated by a space... Full paths may be used for each
Let's say you wish to send three files in one batch and the files
reside in three different directories...
FILE_1.ARC resides in your C:\FOO directory
FILE_2.ARC resides in your C:\BAR directory
FILE_3.ARC resides in your C:\TODAY directory
After setting up the upload on the BBS, select the K9X upload
command (Expert or Command Gateway). Input the three filenames as:
Again, use of wildcards are not allowed when specifying multiple
filenames. Wildcards are supported only when the wildcard is used
in a single filespec...
valid: send AB1.ARC, AB2.ARC, AB3.ARC and ABSOLUTE.ARC all
residing in C:\DLS filespec would be C:\DLS\AB*.ARC
or C:\DLS\AB*.*
invalid: send same as above - where filespec is
You may also specify multiple filenames while using Zmodem in batch
mode. Simply enter the filenames (with or without a full path).
Use a space between each filename.
In both cases, if a single filespec is specified during Batch
uploads and the filespec is not the "@C:filelist" and does not
already include a drive specifier, K9X will append the default
download path (if one is specified in K9X.CNF) to the filespec.
In all cases, if no path is supplied with the filename(s), K9X will
first look for the specified files in the default upload directory.
Since MiniNet has outgrown the K9X/K9X.LST autodownload, K9X no
longer supports this feature. I think you will find the new SuperK
batch protocols far superior to the old K9X.LST download process!
When listing new files on a BBS, most ask for a start date with the
default being the last time you logged on to that system. With
this in mind, K9X now displays the following dialing directory
information when online:
Name of system dialed (or "Manual Dial" if that's the case)
System's phone number Last on date and time (or "N/A" if manual
dialing) Default transfer protocol (changes if you manually change
This information will be displayed within the Expert Command
Summary Menu or directly on the screen when the Command GateWay
Main Menu is activated.
If you are currently running an earlier registered version of K9X,
be sure to run K9XCNF at the DOS prompt so that the new K9X.CNF
paramters will be written to your current K9X.CNF
The new K9X.CNF paramters are:
SL=1 session logging upon startup (0=no 1=yes)
MV=VOICE modem voice connect response
NT=NO DIAL TONE modem no dial tone response
RB=0 reset modem to follow connect (0=no 1=yes)
UQ=1 use QMXFER (0=use DSZ's QMXFER emulation 1=use QMXFER)
HO=0 multitasking hook (0=no 1=yes)
US=1 use SuperK protocols (0=no 1=yes)
K9X v8.00.4 - Production Version - dated 12/03/88
K9X now supports a 24 filename upload buffer (ala the cut and paste
download buffer). It works identically to the cut and paste
download buffer, but in the opposite direction and... where the
download cut and paste is accessed directly from the main terminal
mode, the upload cut and paste is accessed through the file
manipulation section. This operation will take a little
To upload a group of files...
1) Access the File Manipulation Section via the Expert Alt-F (or
Command Gateway Menu Files/Files Manipulation) command.
2) Select the "Select Files" option
3) Input a FileSpec as you would in K9XFetch (see the K9XFetch
docs for further information on search criteria).... In short,
if you want to use the Fetch File Finder, prefix your filespec
with a forward slash... as:
/A*.ARC or /*.ARC or /MYFILE.*
4) Use the Shift-Tab to activate the Upload Buffer Marking
Routine. Once activated, you may use the cursor keys to move
the cursor up/down, Home and End keys to move to the top or
bottom of the screen, or the M key to Mark a filename.
5) Simply hit the Enter key to exit back to the Files
Manipulation menu
6) Exit this menu back to the terminal mode.
7) Now... let's assume you are online with a host system... After
selecting the U)pload option, all that is required is to hit
the Up arrow key. K9X will send the first filename to the host
system! If the host accepts multiple filenames on a single
line, hit the space bar and send the next filename (via the up
arrow key)... and so on...
If the host does not accept multiple filenames on a single
line, simply hit your Enter key, wait for the prompt for the
next filename, hit the Up Arrow key, Hit Enter, wait for
prompt... and so on...
8) When you have finished sending the filenames (all or part of
the full marked list) to the host and the host has
acknowledged that it is ready to receive the files, simply hit
the PgUp key, enter 3 forward slashes (///) for a filename and
hit your Enter key. K9X will then locate each file and append
the full path to the buffer filename, writing the resultant to
the file K9XBATCH.LST. When it has compelted this task, K9X
will automatically begin the Batch transfer.
9) Upon completion (or abort), K9X will remove the "used"
filenames from the Upload Mark Buffer thus readying any
remaining filenames for processing.
There are several other options available while in the Filename
Search Mark mode (Edit, Save, Load, Clear, etc)... these options
work identically to their counterparts in either K9XFetch or K9X
Cut and Paste Download mode.
Since this new Upload Buffer uses the Up Arrow key.. which was the
old "Upload a Text Message" command key... the Right Arrow key has
been programmed to perform the "Upload a Text Message" command.
The Expert Command Help Menu has been modified to facilitate the
addition command keys/flag settings.. to this end, the Space bar
will now swap in a second help screen which contains the K9X
toggle/flags settings. Once the "Toggles" screen has been
displayed, you may enter any valid Expert Command Key Set or hit
the Space bar once again (to remove the secondary Toggles screen).
K9X will now display the "Bytes Available" on either the drive
which has been designated to hold the K9X Download Path, or the
drive in which K9X was started. This display may be displayed
manually via the Files Manipulation menu or automatically when
performing downloads.
K9X v8.10 - Production Version - dated 12/28/88
Two serious bugs have been eliminated (thanks to Howard Ross!)...
1) A timing problem within the built in SuperK protocols had
rendered the upload modes (ALL 12 of them) totally inoperable!
Seems I really blew it when I incorporated the SuperK protocols
into K9X!
2) In prior versions of K9X, the upload auto file-finding was only
active in single file mode. As of this version, auto
file-finding is active for both batch and single file modes...
The problem here is that I inadvertantly omitted a check for the
use of wildcards in batch mode uploads, thus K9X would come back
with a "File not found" error if wildcards were specified. I
have repaired this oversight as follows:
If no wildcards are present in your filename, K9X simply goes
about its business and attempts to locate the specified
files... first in the logged directory, then the default
upload path, then the default download path, and finally, in
any of the paths in your K9XDRIVE.TBL
If wildcards are present, K9X checks for a specified
drive\path along with the filename (looks for a colon as the
second character). If you have specified a path, K9X simply
passes the path and filename on to the protocol. If no path
has been specified, K9X will:
1) use the default upload path if one has been configured
or if no default upload path has been configured
2) use the default download path
or if no default download path has been configured
3) assume the files are located in your logged dircetory and
simply pass the filename with wildcards on to the
My apologies to all of you who have battled with the program
thinking that you were doing something wrong! And my sincere thanks
to Howard Ross for bringing this all to my attention!
K9X v8.20 - Production Version - dated 12/29/88
While I was in the code fixing the bugs for v8.10, I decided to add
a few things and change some others...
A DOS shell option has been added to the upload file marking
section. You can access the shell either by way of the main File
Manipulation menu or from within the mark & save mode itself.
I've made facility to go directly to the "mark & save" section
directly from the main File Manipulation Menu without the input
of a search criteria. This allows you to use the filename Edit
function without having to start a search for another filespec.
I've added some additional coding that will account for file
listings that are formatted (with spaces) and lack the standard
period between the file name and file extension.
For uploading, this allows for the user to use the DOS
redirection character > to create a list of files (please
refer to your DOS manual for information on redirecting DOS
output)... K9X will ignore any line in the upload file list
that begins with a space or a period and will replace all
formatting spaces with a single period.
example: this standard DOS directory output
Volume in drive C is MININET_1
Directory of C:\K9X
. <DIR> 12-18-88 2:18a
.. <DIR> 12-18-88 2:18a
K9X COM 40702 12-29-88 7:20p
K9X 000 71680 12-29-88 7:20p
K9X 001 2304 12-29-88 7:16p
K9X 002 4352 12-29-88 7:16p
K9X 003 7936 12-29-88 7:17p
K9X 004 8448 12-29-88 7:17p
K9X 005 3328 12-29-88 7:17p
K9X 006 5888 12-29-88 7:17p
K9X 007 3840 12-29-88 7:17p
K9X 008 31744 12-29-88 7:18p
K9X 009 14592 12-29-88 7:18p
K9X 010 27648 12-29-88 7:19p
K9X 011 13056 12-29-88 7:19p
K9X 012 3840 12-29-88 7:20p
16 File(s) 15267840 bytes free
For downloading, this allows the loading of files lists that
contain formatted filenames (such as the file listings found
on some BBS').
example: this BBS file listing
K9X ARC 321000 12-29-88 Canine Express v8.20
K9X v8.30 - Production Version - dated 1/21/89
- The "Fast Change Paramters" code has been changed. Where the old
menu simply prompted for a set of parameters, the menu now allows
you to 'build' your comm port parameters - changing one or more of
the individual parameters (speed, parity, wordlength, stop bits).
- The list dialing queue has been increased to a total of 20 entries!
This holds true for the internal List Dialer menu, the L)ist Dial
command within the dialing directory and the specification of
dialing directory entries on the DOS command line.
- Along with a slight modification of the dialing directory menu,
there are several new commands available within the dialing
T - You may now tag an entry via the T command. The sequence
here is to place the desired entry into the highlighted
position and press the T key. K9X will check the entry
number against any existing numbers in the queue. If that
number does not already exist, K9X will automatically
place the dialing directory entry number into the queue
list. If the queue already holds other entry numbers, the
new number will be placed at the end of the list.
U - The UnTag command works against an already tagged entry
number. The process is the same... place the desired entry
into the highlighted position and press the U key. If the
entry number is present within the queue, K9X will delete
it and "fill in the hole" by moving any other numbers down
one position.
G - The GoTo command allows you to specify a dialing directory
entry to go to. K9X will shift its position within the
dialing directory so that the specified entry number is
placed into the highlighted position.
D - Since the List dial feature no longer automatically
commences the queue dial when exited, the D command will
now start the queue dialing sequence.
[Esc] - This isn't a new command... just wanted to note that if
there are numbers present within the dialing queue, K9X
will automatically commence dialing of the queue when you
exit the dialer via the Escape key.
- The number of entries in the dialing queue is now displayed within
the dialing directory command menu. This figure will be updated
automatically when the Tag, Untag or Clear command is specified.
- Since the dial queue can be continually built (up to the 20 maximum
entries), the C command within the list menu will now clear ALL
entries from the queue.
- The dial windows have been modified a bit...
The directory entry info is quite a bit easier to read now
with all of the fields placed in the left side window and the
dialing times placed in the right side window. The old
redialing "Connect" window has been eliminated. The redial
connect message is now displayed within the right side window.
A new command has been added here also.. In prior versions,
in order to completely abandon the dialing queue, you had to
press the Escape key once for each entry in the queue. This
version adds the Alt-1 key command which will not only abort
the current entry being dialed but abandon the entire queue
(just like the terminal Alt-1 command key). Note that [Esc]
works as before - [Esc] aborts the current entry dial and
proceeds on the the next entry in the queue.
- The Extended info feature has been modified to display the extended
info on ALL directory entries. Prior versions only displayed the
full information for the entry which was positioned in the
highlighted spot. By pressing the Right Arrow key, K9X will swap
out the current info and display the Last On Date, Macro and
Protocol for each of the entries in the displayed page. Note that
this new feature is merely a toggle flag. All of your dialing
directory commands are available regardless of which "set" of
information is being displayed.
- The last change in the dialing directory is a bug fix which
effected the scrolling of the directory entries... In previous
versions, if you held the down arrow key down for a prolonged
period, K9X would sit in the Error message/beep state for what
seemed like forever! This has been corrected.
- After re-reading the docs for ICEX, it seems as though ICEX expects
the port to be reset when returning to the calling program.
Although this is not done during a "normal" drop to DOS, I have
included the code to reset the port upon return from either the
ICEX or CIS/B modules.
- The CIS/B comm port parameters were wrong! I had specifed a defualt
of 8 N 1... This version sets these parameters to whatever the comm
port is configured at when CIS/B is called - so be sure to dial up
CIS with an 7 E 1 setting! The docs state the the CIS module will
automatically change the 7 E 1 to 8 N 1 during file transfers and
change back to 7 E 1 upon transfer completion.
- The "Hit any key to continue" message within the CIS/B and ICEX
windows has had a timing loop added to it. If no key is pressed
within about a minute or so, K9X will time out and automatically
invoke the CIS/B or ICEX module.
- The timing loop is also present for the opening Shareware screen.
K9X will time out there in about 2 minutes and commence dialing any
queued numbers that were specified on the DOS prompt or simply
proceed to the terminal (or Command Gateway Menu System).
- In response to several inquiries about the length of time required
to recycle when redialing or list dialing... this is due to the
values set by the default "Escape string delay". If your modem
cable supports all 25 pins (or you are using an internal modem), go
into K9XCNF modem parameters and eliminate your Hang Up String.
This is done by simply entering a backslash \ for the Hang Up
String prompt. If no Hang Up string is specified, K9X will recycle
by dropping the DTR line - thus speeding up the recycle time
- In response the number of users experiencing problems when
installing K9X, this version now has an installation batch file
(INSTALL.BAT) to ease the process somewhat! Be sure all of the
files in the K9X.ARC package are in an area OTHER THAN a K9X
directory (it doesn't matter where) and simply type INSTALL at the
DOS prompt. INSTALL.BAT will MOVE (not COPY) the files into their
respective areas.